If, contrary to expectations, you are not satisfied after purchase or change your mind, you have30 days time to decide whether you want to keep your ordered items or return them. For returns from abroad you are responsible for the return shipping. For returns from DE and AT we will pay the shipping costs for you. Please note the following:
1. the return form is enclosed with your order. Fill it out completely and put it in the package of your return:
2. stick the DHL / Hermes return bill clearly visible on the outside of the package:
The return address is:
Rich & Royal Online Shop
- PVS Logistics Center -
Werner Haas Street 5
74172 Neckarsulm
Take the package to your nearest DHL or Hermes post office or Packstation:
Please also note:
The complete cancellation policy with detailed information about the start of the cancellation period and the consequences of cancellation you can find in our here.
If you have any questions or need further information about the return procedure, please contact our customer service.